Sunday, 27 May 2012

Just doing my job!

The unfortunate tenant of the above plot (and below) has just received a letter complaining about the overgrown state of his plot. I know this because, as secretary of the allotment association, I was in the unenviable position of having to send it to him. He has been asked to have it cleared by the end of June to avoid further action being taken. It may not look as bad as some plots you have seen, (you can't really see how many hundreds of dandelion clocks there are) but I have been on my plot for almost a year now, and not once have I ever clapped eyes on this plotholder, nor seen any evidence of any work having been done. There are whole rows of parsnips, leeks and beetroot which have never been harvested - imagine!

Now I know that there are all kinds of reasons for people not maintaining their plots regularly, and I have not been completely insensitive! I did send a very friendly e-mail several weeks ago, enquiring as to whether there were any particular reasons why he had not been coming, and if he had any problems he could contact myself or the Chairman to talk things through. He replied saying he had been up on one afternoon but the weather hadn't been very nice. It's difficult because although I understand he may be struggling to keep on top of things and reluctant to give it up, there are people on the waiting list just dying to be given the chance.

The worst thing is though, if he does decide to come back and carry on, his is the plot right next to mine! Things could be a little....awkward.

Still very little growth on the onions. If you click on the picture, you can probably just about make them out - they are tiny!

On the plus side, the broad beans have got loads of flowers on them, and the climbing french beans are coming up.

Everything is planted out into the greenhouse, and growing like the clappers.

These plants are hardening off ready for planting out this coming week, in fact since taking this picture I have now planted out the tomatoes at the allotment. It's a very busy time right now.

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