The first few peppers forming, they are either red or orange, I lost track of the labelling when I potted them up.
The melon is roughly the size of a small lemon, or maybe a satsuma. There are another three which are also swelling, still about grape/walnut sized.
Went to the allotment today to a) show a friend who hadn't seen it before and b) check for storm damage, but what I actually found was a bird trapped in one netting tunnel and a cabbage white in another - eek! Managed to free them both but have not as yet checked to see whether it left any eggs behind ( the butterfly, not the bird!)
Courgettes are really starting to take off now, picked 5 today. The pumpkin seeds which I had saved from last year are, as predicted, some interesting pumpkin/squash hybrid. One plant has an enormous marrow like thing growing on it, the other has some knobbly elongated pumpkin shaped things on it. It'll be interesting to see what they taste like.
Getting lots and lots of cucumbers and tomatoes now, I just hope the outdoor tomatoes don't succumb to blight, after all this rain. I wondered about spraying them with dithane or some other anti-fungal preparation as a precaution, but haven't done anything about it, still just wondering.
I'm having problems with my pepper plant this year. All the fruits have holes bored into them. I don't know what's causing them.
Your melon is looking good.
Have you cut one open to see what's inside? I had tiny caterpillars in mine one year.
Yes, I've cut lots of them open but haven't found anything. The plant has now been moved outdoors and looks at the moment as though I might have a pepper growing without any holes, so we'll have to wait and see.
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