These strawberries seeded themselves last year at the bottom of the garden. I just left them to see what would happen (it's not particularly sunny down there) and now they're developing flowers!
On the down side, there are now several asparagus spears coming, but they're all looking a bit like this:
There's no sign of the dreaded asparagus beetle, so I wonder if it could be slugs? It seems unlikely, there aren't many slugs around at the moment, especially in this area. It's a mystery.
On the plot, the potatoes are starting to come through, so I have earthed them up. There are also a few carrots just coming up, and some lettuces and spring onion.
I have just sowed sweetcorn (about 40 seeds), runner beans - only about 16, there are always far too many, french beans, Blue Ballet squash, Butternut squash, courgette, pumpkins (large and small). Not sure about the pumpkins, it occurred to me as I was sowing the seeds, they were kept from last year's fruit, and as they were next to squashes and courgettes, it's possible they got cross pollinated, and might actually be some sort of strange hybrid pumpsquash. We'll see.
The greenhouse is now chock-a-block.
Next big hurdle is to plant out the brassicas. There are lots of them, and it will involve constructing tunnels with net etc, which I probably don't have enough of. I have already prepared the bed, but I can't say I'm looking forward to this job.
I have now potted on all the tomatoes and decided I definitely have far too many. Never mind, they shouldn't be too hard to give away (although I don't really want to give away the pots, old skinflint that I am). The Marmande are starting to produce flowers. These will be the earliest tomatoes I have ever produced, at this rate they will be fruiting before the cucumbers, which would be a first.
There is still so much to do.....
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